Boiled Or Fried Egg: Which Should You Eat?

In Nigeria, many people love to eat eggs. But for some, it is not usually clear whether to boil the eggs or fry them before eating. You love eggs, you don't necessarily have to give them up to follow a healthy diet. A study published in the "British Journal of Nutrition" found that healthy people can eat eggs up to almost daily without increasing their heart disease risk. However, boiled eggs are a better option than fried eggs because they are a bit lower in fat, including the saturated fat that may potentially increase your cholesterol levels.
Each large hard-boiled egg provides 78 calories, 6.3 grams of protein, 0.6 gram of carbohydrates and 5.3 grams of fat, including 1.6 grams of saturated fat. Fry that egg and you'll increase the calories to 90 and the fat to 6.8 grams, including 2 grams of saturated fat, or 10 percent of the daily value for both fat and saturated fat.

Eat a large boiled egg and you'll be getting 15 percent of the DV for riboflavin, 10 percent of the DV for vitamin B-12 and 11 percent of the DV for vitamin D. Fried eggs have a similar vitamin content, although the amounts are slightly less. Riboflavin helps produce red blood cells and turn carbohydrates into energy. You need vitamin B-12 for nervous system and brain function and vitamin D plays a role in immune function and calcium absorption.

Fried eggs have a slightly higher mineral content than hard-boiled eggs. However, the only mineral they contain in significant amounts is phosphorus, with each large fried egg providing 10 percent of the DV. Hard-boiled eggs provide about 9 percent of the DV for this mineral. Phosphorus is essential for strong bones, producing DNA and kidney function.

Other than the fat content, boiled and fried eggs are similar in nutrition, with small differences due to the cooking method and the addition of oil to the fried egg. You can improve the nutrition of your eggs, regardless of your cooking method. If you opt for true free-range eggs, according to an article published in "Mother Earth News," free-range eggs are higher in beta carotene and vitamins A and E, while providing less saturated fat and cholesterol than conventional eggs. While in healthy individuals moderate egg consumption doesn't necessarily increase heart disease risk, it does appear to affect the risk for mortality more in people with diabetes, according to a study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition".

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