Herbal Remedy For Male Infertility (2)


Diet has a big impact on sperm health and male fertility. What you are eating today is impacting the sperm that will be swimming 3 months from now.

Study findings show a range of 42 to 76 days from the time of sperm production to ejaculation in normal men.

The changes that you make today are impacting the sperm you will be using two to three months from now.

This means that it will take about 2-3 months for diet, herbs and supplements to have an effect on sperm health.

Here are the nutrients specifically needed for a healthy male fertility diet, they should be added to the diet as well as supplemented:

Zinc - In men, zinc is considered one of the most important trace minerals for fertility; increasing zinc levels in infertile men has been shown to boost sperm levels, improve the form, function and quality of the sperm thus decreasing male infertility. Food sources: Calf liver, oysters, beef, lamb, venison, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, turkey, peas, and shrimp. Zinc can be damaged by cooking so it is important to eat some foods high in zinc in their raw forms. 

Selenium - Selenium is necessary for the creation of sperm. In studies, men with low sperm counts have also been found to have low levels of selenium.
Food sources: Brazil nuts, liver, snapper, cod, halibut, tuna, salmon, sardines, shrimp, and turkey.

CoQ10 - Necessary for every cell in the body for energy production, CoQ10 is an important antioxidant that helps to protect cells from free radical damage, thus protecting DNA: it is necessary for sperm motility in semen. Additionally, studies have shown that CoQ10 can increase sperm health.
Food sources: Found most abundantly in seafood and organ meats, though it is very difficult to obtain through the diet. CoQ10 Ubiquinol supplementation is the best way to obtain CoQ10 – keep in mind that amounts in the body decline with age.

Vitamin E - Vitamin E has been shown in studies to improve sperm health and motility in men. Studies have also shown a diet deficient in Vitamin E to be a cause of infertility in rats. The meaning of the name for vitamin E ‘Tocopherol’ literally means to bear young. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant to help protect sperm and egg DNA integrity.
Food sources: Sunflower seeds, almonds, olives, spinach, papaya, and dark leafy greens.

Folic acid – New research suggests that folic acid can boost sperm health. Men with low levels of folate had increased risks for sperm that contained too little or too many chromosomes. If an egg is fertilized by an abnormal sperm it could result in a birth defect such as downs syndrome, or an increased chance of miscarriage.
Food sources: Liver, lentils, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, asparagus, spinach, black beans, navy beans, kidney beans, and collard greens.

Vitamin B12 – Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is involved in cellular replication and studies indicate a deficiency can lead to reduced sperm count and motility. Supplementation is advised for any man whose sperm count is less than 20 million or has a motility rate of less than 50%. Studies indicate that supplementation with vitamin B12 at 1,000mcg per day may increase sperm count.
Food sources: Clams, oysters, muscles, liver, caviar (fish eggs), fish, crab, lobster, beef, lamb, cheese, and eggs.

Vitamin C – For men, vitamin C has been shown to improve sperm quality and protect sperm from DNA damage; helping to reduce the chance of miscarriage and chromosomal problems. Vitamin C also appears to keep sperm from clumping together, making them more motile.
Food sources: Abundant in plants and fruits including red peppers, broccoli, cranberries, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, and citrus fruit.

L-Carnitine – Carnitine is a necessary nutrient for sperm cells to function normally. Sperm require high concentrations of carnitine for energy metabolism. Studies indicate that the level of free carnitine in seminal fluid directly correlates with sperm count and motility. The lower the concentrations of carnitine in the seminal fluid, the lower the sperm count. Research shows that supplementing with L-carnitine for a minimum of 4 months helps to increase sperm count and motility in men with low sperm count and quality. Carnitine and CoQ10 have been shown to work synergistically when combined.
Food sources: Red meat and dairy products.

Antioxidants – Antioxidants are one of the most important components to having healthy fertility that every man and women needs to focus on. Antioxidants help to protect the sperm from free radical damage. Free radicals are able to damage both sperm cell health and the cell’s DNA. The DNA of both partners is the future blueprint for a child. Damaged DNA is known to cause miscarriages, birth defects, and/or developmental problems for the future child. Studies have also shown a connection between oxidative stress caused from free radicals and male infertility. Fertilica Choice Antioxidants contains all of the most important antioxidants nutrients in a capsule form. This blend is great for both men and women, but especially for men with low sperm count and poor sperm health.

 Hormone imbalance is not just something that is reserved exclusively for women. Men can also have imbalanced hormones. Hormones play a large roll in semen production and a man’s fertility. One of the main hormones being testosterone. Due to our modern lifestyles and many of the culprits mentioned above, men’s hormones can become imbalanced.

There are pollutants that “mimic” estrogens (xenohormones) in the body leading to a reduction in testosterone. Excess estrogen in men produces erectile dysfunction, low/lack of libido, low sperm count, and lowered production of seminal fluid.
These xenohormones can come from:
  • soy foods
  • pesticides on food
  • hormones added to dairy and meat
  • plastics
5 steps to balancing your hormones:
1. Reduce your exposure to xenohormones
2. Eat only organic meats and dairy
3. Do not eat soy foods.
4. Cleanse the body of excess hormones and toxins. This can be done with a Male Fertility Cleanse
5. Eat lots of fiber and cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables contain a special element that helps the body to rid itself of excess estrogens. You can also take the supplement DIM to have the same effects.

These traditional herbal tonics have been shown through studies and hundreds of years of use to help men have healthier sperm and increased fertility.

Most of these herbs are adaptogens which help to nourish the endocrine system so all of the hormones are working properly. For best results use these herbs for at least 3 – 6 months.
 Ginseng root (Panax quinquefolius)

Ginseng may support a healthy sex drive, erectile dysfunction and enhance sexual performance in men. It strengthens the HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis, aiding hormonal balance, stress management and immune function.
Ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera)

Traditionally used to improve sex drive and low sperm count, Ashwagandha supports endocrine system function for overall hormonal balance.

Epimedium, also known as horny goat weed (Epimedium grandiflorum)
Epimedium is known as an aphrodisiac, increasing sexual desire and performance. The active ingredient Icariin has been shown to increase nitric oxide in turn nitric oxide increases circulation to the extremities. It has been shown useful in aiding a sustained erection.

Fo-ti, also known as Ho Shou Wu or He Shou Wu, root (Polygonum multiflorum)
Fo Ti has been traditionally used for men who have low libido, low sperm count, erectile dysfunction and poor sperm motility. This root supports fertility longevity.

Ginkgo leaves (Ginkgo biloba)
Ginko is the #1 remedy for erectile dysfunction. It increases circulation to the reproductive organs and is high in antioxidants, shown to be important for sperm health.

Goji berry, dried fruit (Lycium barbarum, L.chinense)
Goji berries have been shown to protect sperm from hyperthermia (overheating), helping to preserve and improve sperm quantity and quality through its high antioxidant content. Goji berries support hormonal balance through improved liver function support and they are extremely nutritious.

Maca root (Lepidium meyenii)
Regular consumption of maca has been shown to increase libido, seminal volume and sperm count per ejaculate, and improve sperm motility. Maca is a wonderful superfood which can be taken in capsules or added to fertility smoothies in powder form.

Saw Palmetto berries (Serenoa repens)
Saw Palmetto has been traditionally used to improve prostate health, impotence, testicular atrophy and low libido.

Schisandra fruit and seed (Schisandra chinensis)
One of the most supportive and protective herbs for liver health, (important for hormone balance) Schisandra has been shown to support immunity, and endocrine and nervous system function. Studies have also shown it may help to increase sperm count. This berry helps the body to adapt to stress, making it useful for stress related infertility as well.

Tribulus, aerial parts and fruit (Tribulus terrestris)
Tribulus has been shown to be effective in aiding sex hormone production, increasing luteinizing hormone (LH), DHEA and testosterone production in men. This makes Tribulus useful for erectile dysfunction, low sperm count and poor sperm health related to hormonal imbalance.

Yohimbe bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe)
The bark of this tree supports healthy circulation to the male reproductive organs making it useful for erectile dysfunction. Yohimbe has been shown to help men sustain an erection and may help to make an erection firmer. The increased circulation to the reproductive organs has also been shown to increase libido.

For effective herbal cure for male infertility, call: +2347031040178
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