How To Manage Blood Pressure Naturally

Worried at the high burden of High blood pressure, which affected more than one billion people worldwide in 2015, scientists have alerted the public on natural methods of tackling the condition.
Managing this condition naturally has become necessary considering the fact that high blood pressure is a silent killer. Many people don’t realize they have it until it’s too late. High blood pressure (HBP or hypertension) is when your blood pressure, the force of the blood flowing through your blood vessels, is consistently too high. A heart attack brought on by high blood pressure can occur without any warning signs or symptoms.
That’s why it’s important to learn about natural ways to lower blood pressure. According to a new study published in ‘The Lancet’, in a healthy person, blood pressure can rise and fall throughout the day. When blood pressure stays high for a long period of time, this leads to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attacks.
Majit Ezzati, a professor of global environmental health at Imperial College London, who led the analysis, said globally, blood pressure is a condition of poverty, not affluence.
Besides, in the high-income world blood pressure rates were coming down despite the ageing and increasing population, Ezzati said, adding, in the population in Asia, as the age goes up, the blood pressure tends to be higher.”
Among natural methods recommended to lower high blood pressure are: get moving; reducing salt intake; and adopting a diet that include more fruits and vegetables. Many of those who suffer from high blood pressure turn to medication, but this is simply an approach that doesn’t address the root of the problem.
“A much healthier alternative is to use diet and exercise to maintain normal blood pressure levels,” the study shows. Consistent exercise strengthens the heart and enables it to pump more blood with less effort.
When the heart works less, the pressure on the arteries decreases and blood pressure is lowered. It could take up to a few months of consistent exercise to bring blood pressure down to healthy levels.
However, you have got to keep exercising several days a week or blood pressure levels can shoot right back up. Exercise brings with it another perk that helps maintain a healthy heart and lower blood pressure — getting rid of excess weight. But just because you’re exercising doesn’t mean you can eat anything you want and not suffer the consequences.
A hearthealthy diet is just as important as exercise to avoid the dangers of high blood pressure.

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