How To Achieve A Beautiful Glowing Skin Naturally

Believe it or not, having beautiful glowing skin is a sign of radiant health. While certain creams and product can be used to clean and moisten the skin on the 'outside,' what goes 'inside' is what creates truly healthy skin. If you follow a natural guy, you will be well on your way to having age defying, radiant skin. Follow these steps daily and when you don’t, your skin will tell you in form of blemishes, break outs, redness, and other skin misnormals.

Many people think that if they drink 'lots of water' out of the tap, they've got this covered.  Wrong. You must drink at least 12 cups of filtered  (reverse osmosis is recommended), re-mineralized water daily, preferably away from food for optimal absorption. Tap water, while safe for cleaning and use in your toilet, is not ideal for cleansing the body internally. Despite endless claims that it is all you need as a water source, the fact remains that studies show hundreds of chemical residues remain in most tap water sources after treatment. 

If you can move your body for a minimum of 20 minutes a day (at an intensity high enough to break a mild sweat), you are well on your way to achieving a 'glow'. Your blood is your body's transporter of nutrients to your skin so the more you circulate your blood and lymphatic system, the better delivery of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants to your skin.   These vital nutrients can then help slow aging, boost firmness and help repair skin cells. 

Your diet plays a huge role in achieving beautiful skin. If you can manage to eat small meals through the day balanced with protein, good fats (vegetable fats, non-hydrogenated) and low glycemic carbohydrates (whole grain, colorful, non-processed), you will supply your body what it needs to build and maintain beautiful skin.  

If you have dull skin, cold hands and feet, bags under your eyes that don’t go away no matter how much sleep you are getting, weight gain that won’t budge, wake up in a pile of sweat or feel lethargic most of the time, then it might be a good idea to get your thyroid checked out. Ask your doctor to test your THS and ask for your number. If the number is above 5, they may put you on medication, but if it is above 2 and under (in Canada) they will tell you that you are fine.   

Be sure to take a good multi-vitamin along with bee pollen everyday.  This combination will feed your skin the vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants what it needs to glow but also support overall health and longevity as well. You’ve likely heard of calcium. Calcium is mostly considered to be a mineral for bones, but there are many other functions it serves. When it comes to your skin, calcium plays a large role, primarily protective, in the overall health and strength of the skin. 

You likely already know that you should never go to bed without cleaning your skin. If we don’t clean our skin, our pores can clog which leads to acne, blackheads and breakouts.  If you wear makeup, it is especially important to clean the skin daily.  There are thousands of cleansers on the market but simply applying raw, unpasteurized honey to your face and leaving it on for a few minutes before washing it off with warm water will have anti-bacterial and powerful cleansing and healing results. Honey is highly anti-bacterial and anti-septic. 

Just like cleaning the skin, hydrating the skin is also important.  Most of the creams on the market contain numerous chemicals, preservatives and hormone disruptors.  Avoid these. It is recommended that you use the So-Ho-Mish Miracle Cream (or its equivalent) as your day cream. This cream is alive with raw, natural ingredients like royal jelly, raw honey and bee pollen. When it is applied to the face, the skin literally tingles. It is suitable as a night cream as well and does not contain any chemical preservatives, parabens, or fragrances.  

Poor functioning, slow moving or constipated bowels can cause a toxic buildup in the body.  You can re-absorb toxins back into the blood stream which leads to dull, dry, irritated skin (among many other symptoms such as lethargy and headaches).  You may also want to consider doing a cleanse and increasing fiber intake along with magnesium, vitamin c and lots of extra filtered water intake to improve your bowel function. 

Stress is a huge factor in how our skin looks. High cortisol (the stress hormone) has been linked to a number of health issues including poor skin. Laughter, breathing, sleeping and other stress reducing techniques will do wonders. When they talk about getting your “beauty rest” they really mean it!  Sleep balances your nervous system and allows for healing to occur that you will not get during waking hours. You should get 7-8 hours every night for healthy skin.

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