Corn: Good For The Health But... Side Effects!

It is again the season of corn and, all over Nigeria and most part of Africa, you can see it being sold by roadside food vendors. Corn is a food crop that contain a lot of nutritional health benefits but also devastating side effect when eaten too much. Apart from the nutritional benefits, corn provides various health benefits too. Corn, being a rich source of folate, is found to beneficial for the formation of new cells. Folate is also helpful in preventing birth defects, colon cancer and heart diseases. Thiamine in corn is good for carbohydrate metabolism, energy production and cognitive functions. Fiber content helps to reduce cholesterol, constipation and the risk of colon cancer. Corn contains a carotenoid called beta-cryptoxanthin, which is good for the health of the lungs and also prevents lung cancer. Corn can promote cardiovascular health, if consumed in moderate quantities, regularly. It is also good for people with renal problems.

Corn can be boiled, steamed or roasted or can be used to make healthy snacks, like, popcorn (without butter or sugar). You can also use any food products made of corn, like cornflakes, puddy or any other kind of corn meal. Not only does corn tastes good, but also comes with a high nutritional value, which is beneficial for human health.

However, despite all these health benefits, corn has some disturbing side effects.The major points against consumption of corn include a possibility of fungal and microbial infection and toxicity and skewed Omega 6 : Omega 3 ratio. Besides these, some other concerns over consumption of corn happen to stem from the sugar and starch content of corn which gives this grain high calorific value. Not a very good news for weight watchers! This concern also gives rise to a very serious question - is corn oil good for you? Considering the ubiquity of corn oil in just about every processed and fried food and given its high trans fat content, corn oil is not at all a good option for daily cooking purposes. If you are a discretionary snacker and binge on those fries not more twice or thrice a month then it won't be very harmful for you! Regular consumption should be avoided. Is corn good for you? Not always!

Canned sweet corn can be high in salt, with some brands containing as much as 545 mg of sodium per cup -- close to a quarter of the recommended dietary allowance. MayoClinic reports that excessive dietary salt can lead to fluid retention and increased blood pressure in sodium-sensitive individuals; it recommends getting no more than 2,300 mg of sodium a day.  Look for canned corn with no added salt; the sodium level drops to a modest 31 mg per cup.

Although corn isn't fattening, it is a starchy vegetable, meaning it does contain carbohydrates. Consuming too many carbohydrates and overall calories can lead to weight and fat gain. If you're overweight, the  Dietetic Associations encourage you to reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 to 1,000 calories per day for a weight loss of one to two pounds per week.

Corn allergies are seen in adults as well as in children. When a person becomes allergic to corn, his body develops antibodies against corn proteins. Therefore, as soon as the person consumes corn products or even inhales corn particles or pollen, the immune system reacts against it, which gives rise to allergic reactions on the body. As corn is consumed by a large number of Nigerians, the number of corn allergy cases is increasing.

Symptoms of corn allergy vary from very mild to severe ones. They are also found to differ from person to person. When a person is over sensitive to corn, consuming even a small quantity of corn can result in development of symptoms.
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