Important Things To Know About Your Liver

Your liver is your go-to guy (or gal) for keeping you well. It actually performs over 400 functions in your body.  It sifts through every single thing that comes into your body and uses what it can and gets rid of what it can’t, so it’s important to keep things coming in that your body can use rather than things it has to filter out because it recognizes them as harmful invaders.

 Listen, no matter what those health claims around red wine may say, all booze is bad news for your little liver. It doesn’t like any of it, even the kind that’s packed with more antioxidants than the rest. Alcohol is a toxin in any form and your liver will use a large amount of energy trying to get rid of the alcohol so it can purify your blood. During this process, it can use up a good bit of metabolic energy, which often leads to weight gain, sluggishness, fatigue, and yes, sleepiness. 

 Your liver likes to be clean much like you do and what’s better than keeping it clean with fresh, alkalizing water? Water contains natural minerals when it comes from a healthy source (not from chlorinated tap waters). So use spring or well water when you can, or check with your city’s water to see if it’s environmentally safe (some areas are better than others). Also, use a water filtration system that removes the carbon and chlorine particles where possible. 

 Add a squeeze of lemon to your water to add even more alkalizing and cleansing properties. Lemon and all citrus fruits contain Vitamin C and minerals that boost bodily functions and enhance the cleansing process, sweeping out wastes. Flushing your liver is like giving your body a good pre-wash so your blood stays at optimal pH levels. Aim for as many glasses a day as you can or drink caffeine-free herbal tea as a second option.

 You needn’t count your calories to care for your liver but you do need to eat high-quality foods. This means eating organic, fresh foods whenever possible such as leafy greens packed with  magnesium, chlorophyll, Vitamins A and C, along with fresh vegetables and fresh fruits when possible. Buying organic is important, but is especially important for your liver since pesticides, herbicides and fungicides toxify the liver and can even cause cancer.

 Organic foods provide pure nutrients for your liver to cleanse and rebuild the blood to provide you with more energy and a healthy body. Organic fruits and vegetables also contain higher amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and sulfur, which all boost liver detoxification and cleansing. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, collards, apples, onions, garlic, and squash are all great choices. 

 Your liver is responsible for producing bile that breaks down fats, so one area of your diet you want to be sure you don’t forget about is the type of fats you eat. Eating healthy fats like almonds, coconut, walnuts, hemp, chia, and flax, along with pumpkin and sunflower seeds, olives, and avocado are all the best sources of fat for your diet. Avoid animal fats that lead to artery-clogging inflammation and avoid vegetable oils (like corn and soy) at all costs.

 It’s also important to choose your supplements selectively. Don’t just swallow a pill that promises good health. High-quality B vitamins (choose a plant-based brand) and selenium are important since they help metabolize substances in the body that help keep your liver healthy. Herbs such as milk thistle and artichoke leaf also help cleanse the liver. You can purchase a whole foods, plant-base multivitamin, B supplement, or buy a specialized liver support formula. While not 100 percent necessary, certain B vitamins and herbs like those mentioned here have been found to support the liver outside a healthy diet.

 Your liver has two stages of detoxification, known as Phase 1 and Phase 2. All five of these tips will aid in both steps of detoxification without you feeling sick and like someone stole the life out of you in the process. There’s no need to go on crazy cleanses. Take care of your body with a whole foods, no junk, and booze-free vegan diet, and be sure you exercise and get some fresh sunlight whenever you can. 

 "The liver is an organ you could easily trash if you don't take good care of it," says Rohit Satoskar, MD, of the MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute. "And once you trash it, it's gone." The liver has several important things to do. It helps clean your blood by getting rid of harmful chemicals that your body makes. It makes a liquid called bile, which helps you break down fat from food. And it also stores sugar called glucose, which gives you a quick energy boost when you need it. 

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